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first time i thoroughly enjoyed homework :)

Hiking Boots

breaths, words, scream

Explore the possibilities of lists, puzzles, riddles, dictionaries, almanacs, etc. Consult the thesaurus where categories for the word “word” include: word as news, word as message, word as information, word as story, word as order or command, word as vocable, word as instruction, promise, vow, contract.

the truth of the moon and the children of the truth

Writing is simply an alibi for living. 

Eileen Myles


Tell all the truth but tell it slant—

Success in circuit lies

Too bright for our infirm Delight

The Truth’s superb surprise

As Lightning to the Children eased

With explanation kind

The Truths must dazzle gradually

Or every man be blind—

Emily Dickinson

Full Moon

the ugly


thank you for choosing me and embracing me before i did

Red Apples

try harder, b*tch

I have work. Time to go home.

an anthology of poems on different occupations in the COVID-19 pandemic

Hospital Corridor

Hospital sounds:
White Prismed, 
Rainbows Unprisoned


1.35°N, 103.82°E

missing pages

Pencil and notepad
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